
Brian Lohnes & the Dork-O-Motive Podcast

Brian Lohnes

Brian Lohnes


Hello and thank you for checking out DorkOMotive.com. I’m the guy who thinks up, researches, and then makes the podcast that thousands of you are listening to every week. Why? Well, that’s easy. Because stories!

I have spent the last 20 years working in the world of automotive media and auto racing as a journalist and an announcer. Along the way, I have met and interacted with some of the most interesting people on Earth and I have been able to listen to a LOT of stories. Many of them have stuck in my head and have driven me to dive deeper into their nooks and crannies to tell the whole story of what many people gloss over the top of.

As the lead announcer for the NHRA on FOX television and a drag racing announcer who calls 30-40 events a year, I am totally immersed in the world of straight line competition. Lest you think I am just a drag racing guy, I have good news.

Since 2008, I have served as the co-founder and the Editor-in-Chief of BangShift.com and continue in that role today. I have produced more than 18,000 pieces of content for BangShift; content that touches every realm of the automotive world from new car reviews to historical pieces to engine builds and more.

Long story short, I am a gearhead. A curious gearhead that knows other curious gearheads are out there as well. This is what inspired me to create the podcast which now has this companion website.

I aim to be entertainingly educational, enlightening, and fun to listen to. Thanks for your time, and I hope you enjoy the show!



The Dork-O-Motive Podcast is the latest project from Lohnes Laboratories and the overeager brain of Brian Lohnes. The Dork-O-Motive Podcast, hosted by Lohnes, is a research driven, story fueled, mechanically stoked look at the machines, people, and history that make up the modern mechanical world.

Whether it’s the stories of the men and women who have done amazing things in racing, the machines that roar around tracks and shape the Earth, or some bizarre mechanized history, Dork-O-Motive is here to bring you the story in a fun, well-researched, and informative way!

There’s a load of places to go on the internet for some quick and dirty automotive content. This ain’t one of them. Dork-O-Motive delivers you the stories you never knew existed with the legwork and context to make your time well spent. If you love cars, trucks, steam engines, history, nitromethane, crazy people, crazy feats, and all the background that made them possible, Dork-O-Motive is built for you!


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